
Frequently Asked 学生就业 Questions

1. W在这里 is 学生就业 Programs located and when is the department open?

  • 学生就业项目位于北第六街231号的就业中心, which is next to the Welcome Center and the Fountain. 我们早上8点开门.m.-4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday except for holidays.

2. I've never worked on campus before. What documents do I need?

  • 您将需要携带证明身份和授权在美国工作的原始文件.S. (copies are prohibited except for birth certificates). 点击 在这里 for a link of acceptable documents.
  • 请注意: ISU的学生证将无法使用,因为我们允许使用选择的名字,而不仅仅是合法的名字.

3. 在我的文件和原始文件完成之前,我可以开始工作吗?

  • No. 所有表格必须在接受新工作后和开始之前完成并提交给学生就业计划.

4. Can I fax or scan a copy of my employment verification documents?

  • No. We must have the original to make the copy. 唯一的例外是我们可以接受出生证明的核证副本.

5. 我会吗?.S. Military ID be acceptable in place of a Social Security card?

  • 即使是美国.S. Military ID has your Social Security Number on it, for form I-9 purposes and according to Federal regulations, a U.S. 军军证只能用作确定身份的文件,或B类文件. You will have to use an original Social Security card, an original birth certificate, 或者是原作, 未过期的护照, or any other document on the Form I-9 List of Acceptable Documents, as a document that establishes employment authorization.

6. I do not have my Social Security card 在这里 and I live far away. I do not want to have it sent 在这里. 我该怎么办呢??

  • You may provide another form of document for verification. 点击 在这里 查看可接受的文件,或者您可以联系当地的社会保障办公室申请新的社会保障卡.

7. Does a debit card work for bank routing and account number verification?

  • No. It does not contain the bank account's routing or account number.

8. 如果我以前从未在ISU工作过,我在获得工作后需要填写什么表格?

  • Prior to starting work at ISU, 您将需要完成以下内容(有些需要亲自到学生就业办公室,有些需要通过就业验证电子邮件在线完成):

    • Form I-9 (Federal – 就业 Eligibility Verification)*
    • 学生就业 Release of Information Form*
    • FERPA Statement of Understanding (Family Education Rights & 隐私法)*
    • Data Security and Computer User Agreement*
    • 无毒品工作场所政策* o员工资料表* o犯罪背景调查表(如适用)*
    • 直接存款授权表格(你需要你的银行地址和银行帐号)  
    • W-4(联邦雇员预扣津贴证明-国际学生不填写此表格)
    • WH-4 (Indiana Employee Withholding Exemption and County Status Certificate)

*Document needs to be completed BEFORE start date.

9. How do I find a job on campus?

  • 所有的职位都可以通过我们的申请人跟踪系统(ATS)软件在网上找到. 请按照以下步骤在经批准的社区服务机构申请校内或校外工作:

10. What is Federal Work Study?

11. How many hours can I work during the summer?

  • 学生(公民, 永久居民, (国际学生)可以在夏季每周工作28小时,只要学生在接下来的秋季学期至少注册了六(6)个学分,或者正在进入国际州立大学研究生院,就可以不参加暑期课程.

12. How many hours can I work during the spring and fall semester?

  • 在秋季和春季学期,学生每周最多可以工作20个小时.

13. Can I work more than 20 hours per week during the fall and spring semesters?

  • 为了鼓励学生专心做全职学生和兼职员工, ISU鼓励学生工资单上的学生将每周工作时间限制在20小时以内,无论他们有多少活跃的工作任务. 根据美国国土安全部(DHS)的规定,从秋季学期的第一天到春季学期的最后一天,国际学生每周工作时间不得超过20小时. 学时超过31学时的学生可以要求每周工作20小时以上 小时的指导方针.

14. I am enrolled to attend ISU for the fall semester as a freshman. Can I work during the summer?

  • 报名参加秋季学期课程的新生在秋季学期之前的夏季每周最多可以工作28个小时.

15. 为了在ISU工作,我必须修多少学分?

  • 学生必须在秋季和春季学期注册六(6)个学分,才能有资格作为ISU的学生工作. 这条规则的唯一例外是当学生在毕业前的最后一个学期注册并且需要少于六(6)个学分才能毕业. 如果一个学生在一个学期中放弃了六(6)个学分, the student will be ineligible to work for the University unless, 如上所述, the student is in their last semester of studies.

16. I will be graduating at the end of this semester; can I still work at my student job after graduation?

  • 毕业后, a student may work up to two (2) weeks, 或者一个全薪期, 如果学生在秋季学期没有在ISU攻读研究生课程,则在毕业后申请. 留学生毕业后不得在学校工作. They should contact their immigration advisors for other employment options. If the student is enrolled in graduate studies for the fall semester, 学生可以继续做暑期学生的工作,每周最多28小时,直到秋季课程开始.

17. How many on-campus jobs can I hold at ISU?

  • 学生一次最多可以做五份工作,同时保持20小时(秋季和春季)/28小时(夏季)的限制.

18. I cannot have direct deposit so how can I get paid?

  • Direct deposit is mandatory. 访问 the Payroll 部门 in Rankin Hall, 4th 楼408室,或致电(812)237-3533与部门讨论此事.

19. 我多久发一次工资?

  • 学生 are paid bi-weekly on Fridays by direct deposit. You can view the student pay schedule 在这里.

20. Why didn't I get paid last pay period?

  • T在这里 could be many reasons. 在工资截止日期前的合理时间内,所有的文件都交给了学生就业计划, visit the Payroll 部门 in Rankin Hall, 4th floor, Room 408, or call (812) 237-3533 to discuss this matter.

21. I have been working for quite a while. Why can't I clock in yet?

  • In order to clock in using the Kronos system, 你必须首先确保你的导师完成了一份招聘建议书,并将其提交给学生就业计划. 一旦Payroll收到招聘建议书(通常是下一个工作日),信息就会输入Banner, then after an overnight update a student should be able to clock in. Due to heavy input at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters, 一旦收到学生的招聘建议,Payroll可能需要超过一天的时间才能将学生的工资信息输入Banner. 让你的主管打电话给工资部(812)237-3533询问你可能遇到的任何Kronos问题.

22. 我已经完成了网上学生就业指导,但是系统仍然显示我没有完成. 有什么不对吗??

  • 学生必须观看整个视频,并在测验中获得至少80%的分数才能被认为是完整的. To verify your completion complete the following steps:

    • Select View Learning Plan
    • Scroll down until you see 学生就业 Programs Orientation. T在这里 will be a picture of a sky with the phrase "Blue Skies Ahead". 在澳门赌场玩法官网栏中,如果定向已经完成,您将看到一个绿色圆圈.
    • To print a certificate of completion for your supervisor, 选择更多操作, then select View Certification of Completion.


Do you have a question that wasn't included above? 电子邮件 your question(s) to isu-student-employment@fc-daudenzell.com 我们会保持联系的.